Catch up on the latest from the Climate Kids team and partners!
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Climate Science Alliance works with EcoLogik Participants to Find Climate Hope
Climate Science Alliance Participated in National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Change Summit
Climate and Carnivores: A Youth Art Perspective
Telemundo interviews Climate Kids - Mexico Team
The Difference One Person Can Make
SDG&E Funds “Through the Lens” Collaboration with San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy
Climate Kids Ambassadors Present Research at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020
Climate Kids-Mexico Connects with Southern Tribal Communities
Climate Kids Work with the San Pasqual Tribal Wellness Ambassadors to Protect Their Environment
Climate Kids - Mexico Joins Community Science Air Quality Monitoring Program
Climate Science Alliance and NSF CAICE Team host Climate Kids SCOPE Field Trip
Climate Kids - Washington Team Gears Up for Spring Expansion
Mission Bay High School Climate Kids Ambassadors Connect with Community at Love Your Wetlands Day
Climate Kids-Mexico Brings New Climate Kids Traveling Trunk to Local Community
DUNAS Project Makes History Come Alive With New 3D Artifact Models
Climate Kids Washington Program Highlighted by Snoqualmie Valley School District
Climate Kids Creates New Dune Explorers Program
High Tech High Students Partner with Climate Science Alliance to Develop Climate Kids Drought Module
Climate Science Alliance Hosts Climate Kids Educator Training at Elementary Institute of Science
Climate Kids Mexico Leads Semana de Convivencia Ambiental 2019 (Environmental Coexistence Week 2019)